The Best Exterior Features to Attract Tenants to Your Rental The Best Exterior Features to Attract Tenants to Your Rental Properties

The Best Exterior Features to Attract Tenants to Your Rental Properties

In a competitive rental market, rental property owners must have the exteriors of their properties in good condition. First impressions are very important to potential tenants; In fact, your overall impression of your property could be made before you even walk through the front door. Rental properties with high curb appeal tend to have higher occupancy rates, reduced vacancy periods, and higher property values. For all of these reasons, improving your property’s exterior features can be one of the best paths to continued profitability. Let’s take a closer look at some of the best exterior features to attract tenants to a rental property. Update landscaping One of the easiest ways to improve the curb appeal of any property is to have an attractive and well-maintained front yard. Simply performing regular garden maintenance can make a big difference. Pruning trees and bushes, mowing the grass, and removing weeds are a good place to start. Another smart move is to take a look at the landscape of the nicest homes and properties near yours. Landscaping doesn’t need to be elaborate or expensive to make a good impression, but you should try to adjust it so that it is as similar as possible to the nice properties around it. Adding some colorful flowers along a walkway, some solar garden lights, or power washing your driveway and walkways are small, inexpensive ways to add a lot of visual appeal to your rental property’s landscaping. Update exterior doors Another relatively small upgrade with high returns in curb appeal are upgraded exterior doors. An old, worn or damaged entry or garage door is an eyesore and can make the entire exterior of your property look run down. On the other hand, a new door can increase the value of your property and will certainly improve the curb appeal of your property as well as the safety of your tenant. New exterior doors can range in cost from inexpensive to very expensive, so look for something that is good quality but affordable. Doors with nice details, such as a small window or a unique style that matches the property or neighborhood, are a great option. If replacing the door isn’t an option, you might also consider giving it a new coat of paint. Sometimes that’s all it takes to improve the exterior of a property. Add exterior lighting Like doors, exterior lighting is one of those improvements that can have a big impact. Updating your entryway light fixture and other exterior fixtures can give your entire property a boost. Additionally, if you opt for LED lights and those with motion sensors, you can improve both safety and energy efficiency at the same time. For an even bigger improvement, consider adding some path or landscape lighting to add visual appeal after dusk and provide added safety. Lights are a great way to deter vandalism and ensure your tenants have safe passage in outside hallways after dark. Add Outdoor Living Spaces One trend that remains very popular is outdoor living space. Renters and homeowners alike are attracted to homes that have patios, decks, and seating for outdoor conversation. If your property already has one or more of these features, you can instantly upgrade it simply by cleaning and maintaining the space. Alternatively, consider adding an outdoor space to your rental. Even something as simple as a swing set, a cement patio, an outdoor grill, or some additional shade can make an outdoor space more inviting. If your budget and preferences allow, consider providing some outdoor furniture to make an outdoor space feel instantly like home. Integrate green features Finally, it’s important to remember that today’s renters are much more environmentally conscious than previous renter demographics. For this reason, another great way to add curb appeal to a rental property is to incorporate green features. For example, adding solar panels, a rainwater collection system, and using native plants in your landscaping are great ways to make your property greener and more attractive to renters. Other green upgrades that would also appeal to the tech-savvy renter include adding a smart thermostat and smart sprinkler control box, installing a video doorbell or keyless door locks, and upgrading appliances, HVAC systems, and water heaters to energy-efficient systems.  While these upgrades will vary in price, each offers not only savings on utility bills, but can also be very attractive to today’s largest demographic of renters.

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