Housing Market

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Where are the investors? | Think Realty

Changes are afoot in the real estate market in 2024 as investors flock to emerging hot spots and retreat from traditional strongholds. The housing market has always been local, and 2024 housing market trends are proving that with substantial market variation in retail inventory, home price appreciation, and even the onset of foreclosures. These retail trends, in turn, are driving interest from local community developers who buy on Auction.com. “Chattanooga has just been flooded with investors from California and elsewhere … there are no properties that can be bought and paid for there,” said Steve Johnson, an Auction.com buyer who lives in Chattanooga but decided to start buying properties across the border in Georgia when Chattanooga became out of reach due to prices. “These smaller, less urban counties and cities are gold mines for finding properties that are overlooked by big investors and resellers. But there are a huge number of people looking for a home.” Sue McCormick, an Atlanta-based buyer for Auction.com, told a similar story. “I wanted to start investing, but Atlanta is a little expensive,” said McCormick, who decided to start investing in Dayton, Ohio, where he grew up. “I started investing in my hometown because it was easier to get into.” Tendering activity as a barometer of the retail market The buying and bidding activity of investors like McCormick and Johnson acts as a reliable barometer of the strength of the local retail market. Specifically, the proportion of buyers in each market who purchase outside their home market provides insight into which markets are most attractive (and least attractive) to buyers willing and able to invest outside their home market. These geographically flexible buyers are more likely to target markets based on the underlying strength and opportunity in those markets rather than the convenience and comfort that comes with shopping in their own backyard. Doing good by doing good Still, many of these geographically flexible buyers are emotionally connected to the market or markets in which they choose to invest. “My real passion is going back to the neighborhoods I grew up in and helping improve those areas and making money,” said McCormick, who continues to hold down a regular “day” job even as he invests. Johnson grew up in Georgia and traveled there frequently for work before retiring several years ago. Helping people buy a home they can afford — something his family was never able to do when he was growing up — is a value close to his heart. “That’s my market because you’re helping people who don’t have options, and secondly, you don’t have a lot of competition,” he said. “Those stories (of helping people) are just as important as making a profit.” I'm not rich enough to afford to lose money, but if you do the right thing, you'll have everything you need. Technology-enabled investor mobility Technology has allowed even smaller-volume investors like McCormick and Johnson to invest outside their own homes. All bank-owned REO auctions offered on platforms like Auction.com are online, and investors can buy remotely at foreclosure auctions in an increasing number of markets. The growing opportunity to bid remotely at foreclosure auctions is due to two key developments in recent years. First, changes in state laws have allowed online bidding in some states. Ohio, where McCormick invests, is one example. Second, Auction.com has continued to expand Remote Bid, a technology launched in 2020 that is now available in more than 1,000 counties across the country. “The difference between remote auction and online auction is that you don’t have to drive or sit in the courthouse,” Johnson said. “With remote auction, I can buy from anywhere.” States that attract more mobile investors During the first half of 2024, the states that attracted the largest share of out-of-state buyers on Auction.com were South Carolina (75%), Kentucky (73%), West Virginia (73%), Maryland (56%), and Pennsylvania (48%). However, the absolute share of out-of-state buyers does not reflect the full reality, as some states are inherently more conducive to out-of-state buyers when there are major metropolitan areas straddling state lines. The best measure is the change in the share of out-of-state buyers so far in 2024 compared to 2023 (see Figure 1). The states with the largest percentage increase in out-of-state buyers were South Carolina (up 114%), North Carolina (up 69%), Nevada (up 61%), Kentucky (up 51%) and New Mexico (up 40%). Other states in the top 10 for the largest increase in out-of-state buyer participation include Mississippi (up 35%), Tennessee (up 34%), Alabama (up 30%), Montana (up 20%) and Illinois (up 20%). Georgia, where Johnson invests, was No. 11 on the list with an 18% increase. States with a decreasing share of mobile investors At the other end of the spectrum are states with a declining share of out-of-state buyers, an indication that geographically flexible buyers more focused on market strength and opportunity are moving away from those states (see Figure 2). The states with the largest percentage decrease in out-of-state buyers so far in 2024 compared to 2023 were Washington (down 62%), New Jersey (down 51%), Michigan (down 48%), California (down 46%) and Idaho (down 40%).Other states in the top 10 with the largest declines in the share of out-of-state buyers were Virginia (down 40%), Indiana (down 35%), Arizona (down 35%), Ohio (down 31%) and Iowa (down 27%). The states with the lowest share of out-of-state buyers so far in 2024 (typically markets that have not been attractive to geographically flexible buyers for several years) were California (2% of out-of-state buyers so far in 2024), Washington (3%), New York (8%), New Jersey (10%), and Idaho (10%). Top 25 County Trends County-level data provides an even more precise view of which local markets are most and least attractive to geographically flexible real estate investors. At the county level, it is beneficial to look at the share of buyers who live outside the county, not out of state. Those buyers still typically represent geographically flexible investors, given that the average U.S.

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Bidding performance at distressed property auctions in Q2 2024 points Bidding performance at distressed property auctions in Q2 2024 points to continued slowdown in retail real estate market

Bidding performance at distressed property auctions in Q2 2024 points to continued slowdown in retail real estate market

Strong demand for distressed properties at auction in early Q2 2024 is undermined by early signs of falling demand in June, even with contracting auction supply The price bidders are willing to pay at auctions falls after hitting a 25-month high in April Some of the largest declines in price-to-value ratios in markets with substantial increases in retail housing inventory The bid-ask spread at auctions widens in May and June as sellers hold prices steady even as bidders adjust them downwards Auction.com, the nation’s leading distressed real estate marketplace, today released its Second Quarter 2024 Auction Market Report, showing that demand for distressed properties sold at auction showed early signs of falling in June, even as the supply of properties available for auction continued to contract. The report is based on exclusive property inventory, bid and price data from Auction.com, the nation’s largest distressed property marketplace, accounting for nearly half of all properties sold at foreclosure auctions nationwide. “The drop in demand at the end of the second quarter could be an early sign that local developers who buy at auction are becoming increasingly wary of rising retail inventory, which represents competition for renovated homes they sell or rent and return to the retail market, typically within six months of the auction purchase,” said Daren Blomquist, vice president of market economics at Auction.com and author of the report. “If the drop in demand continues into the third quarter, it would also portend a slowdown in retail home price appreciation.” Because buyers at distressed market auctions anticipate retail market conditions three to six months into the future, bidding behavior at such auctions provides a reliable, forward-looking indicator of trends in retail home price appreciation. “I feel like the retail market has softened,” according to Tony Tritt, a local community developer operating in northwest Georgia who renovates and resells properties he buys at foreclosure auctions, primarily to occupancy buyers. “I am waiting longer to sell my renovated properties because they don’t sell like they used to.” Demand falls from multi-year highs at end of second quarter Thanks to strong results in April and May, most auction demand metrics show strengthening demand for the second quarter overall compared to the previous quarter, but monthly data reveals a clear decline in June for many demand metrics, including bidders per property, sales rates and winning bid-to-value ratios. The average number of bidders per property sold at bank-owned REO auctions in the second quarter was 2 percent lower than the previous quarter, but still up 3 percent from a year earlier. But in June, that bidder-per-property metric fell 17 percent from May and was down 3 percent year-over-year. The foreclosure auction sales rate (the proportion of properties available for auction that were sold) increased in the second quarter, both quarterly (up 5 percent) and annually (up 4 percent), but declined 4 percent in June from a 25-month high in May. The June sales rate was still up 3 percent from a year earlier. A similar pattern of declining demand in June from a nearly two-year high at the beginning of the quarter is reflected in price-related demand metrics for both foreclosure auctions and REO auctions. Winning bidders at foreclosure auctions in June were willing to pay 58.7 percent of a property’s assessed value after repair on average, down from a 25-month high of 60.7 percent in April. Winning bidders at REO auctions in June were willing to pay 58.6 percent of a property’s assessed value after repair on average, down from a 25-month high of 61.7 percent in April. Declines in auction buyer asking prices in June still occurred against the backdrop of an overall second-quarter asking price increase. The average winning bid-to-value ratio at REO auctions for the full quarter increased 4 percent from the prior quarter and 1 percent from a year ago, while the average winning bid-to-value ratio at foreclosure auctions for the full quarter increased 1 percent from the prior quarter and also 1 percent from a year ago. Demand for market prices Several major markets where retail inventory builds are reaching dubious milestones saw a more prominent decline in the price demanded by distressed property auction buyers in June. The winning bid-to-value ratio at foreclosure auctions declined by double-digit percentages from both the previous month and the previous year in Miami, New Orleans, Tampa Bay, Orlando and Denver. Retail inventory in May 2024 had risen above May 2019 levels in four out of five of those metro areas, with Miami being the only exception, according to data compiled by ResiClub. Miami, meanwhile, had the highest share of “stale” listings (the proportion of unsold listings that remain on the market for at least 30 days) of any major market in the country in May, according to data compiled by ResiClub. Red fin. Supply contraction continues The first signs of a decline in demand at distressed property auctions in June came despite a continued contraction in the supply of properties available to purchase at auction in the second quarter. The number of properties taken to foreclosure auction in the second quarter was less than half (46 percent) of the pre-pandemic level in the first quarter of 2020. That was down from 49 percent in the previous quarter and 57 percent in the second quarter of 2023. REO auction supply was even more restrained relative to the pre-pandemic level in the second quarter. The number of REO properties brought to auction during the quarter stood at 36 percent of the level of the first quarter of 2020, down from 38 percent in the previous quarter and 40 percent in the second quarter of 2023. Offer by state Supply continued to vary widely by state. The states with the highest supply of foreclosure auction properties relative to pre-pandemic levels in the second quarter of 2024 were Connecticut (319 percent of the first quarter 2020 level), Alaska (139 percent), Kentucky (122 percent), Louisiana (120 percent), South Dakota (113 percent), and Colorado (103 percent). The states

Bidding performance at distressed property auctions in Q2 2024 points to continued slowdown in retail real estate market Read More »