Dive into these 12 tips to maintain a perfect pool Dive into these 12 tips to maintain a perfect pool

Dive into these 12 tips to maintain a perfect pool

blog 7.23 Dive into these 12 tips to maintain a perfect pool

Nothing says “summer is here” more than a sparkling, crystal-clear pool. And nothing says “yuck!” more than a stained pool filled with cloudy water and floating debris.

We're here with ten tips to keep your pool from becoming a problem. Join us as we dive into pool maintenance tips that any homeowner can tackle with confidence!

Tip the scales in your favor

That white stain you see on the sides of your pool? It's called calcium scale, and it's a sign that your pool's calcium and pH levels are out of whack. Prevention is your best friend when it comes to scale, so be sure to test your water chemistry regularly (more on that in Tip #3).

If you already have scale problems, the first step in fixing the problem is to determine whether calcium carbonate or calcium silicate is the culprit. Place a few drops of muriatic acid on the deposit (be sure to follow safety precautions whenever working with acids). Calcium carbonate will react with the acid to form foam, while calcium silicate will not react.

To treat calcium carbonate stains on concrete pools, first loosen the deposit with a calcium descaling spray, then scrub away the lime with a pumice stone. Keep the area wet the entire time you're scrubbing to prevent scratching. To remove calcium carbonate deposits on a vinyl pool, use a descaling gel.

If the lime is calcium silicate and you have a concrete or tile pool, use a good dose of elbow grease and a pumice stone to remove it. If your vinyl pool has visible calcium silicate deposits, professional treatment is required.

Once you have removed any visible deposits, test your water to ensure that the treatment has not upset the chemical balance, and test periodically to prevent future calcium scale formation.

Vacuum regularly

What do swimming pools and living rooms have in common? Both are ideal places to host a party and both need to be vacuumed regularly.

Vacuum your pool once a week, using the same strategy you use for your living room: Work in a straight-line grid, slightly overlapping your previous route to ensure you cover the entire area.

And just like in our living rooms, people who invest in robot vacuums swear by them!

Put your water to the test

It's essential to regularly check the chemical levels in your pool water, as improper levels can lead to cloudy water, skin and eye irritation, and bacteria growth. The good news is that you don't have to be a chemist to keep track of things. You just need to have good testing kits on hand and perform a test at least once a week during peak season and every month or two during off-season.

The three main levels to consider are pH, alkalinity, and sanitizer. A pool with properly balanced levels is clear, odorless, and leaves almost no residue on your skin. Consult your pool professional about the best schedule for shock treating your pool.

Pump, pump

Circulating your pool water is an essential part of pool maintenance and will help you avoid problems that cause headaches down the road. Experts recommend running your pump at least eight to twelve hours a day, and it's okay to split the run time into several chunks throughout the day. Investing in a pump timer helps simplify this important step of pool maintenance.

Take your vitamins

Vitamin C, specifically… it turns out that vitamin C tablets can remove unsightly pool stains caused by metals in the water. For small stains, rubbing a vitamin C tablet back and forth may be enough.

Larger stains can be treated by spraying ascorbic acid evenly over the surface of the water (one-half pound per 10,000 gallons of pool water). Turn the filter on to circulate for 30 minutes and repeat this process until the stain is gone.

Bonus tip: To prevent metal stains, first test the water source, such as your hose, for metals. If metals are coming from the water source, add a filter to the source so they don't end up in the pool. Experts also recommend checking pool pipes for rust and maintaining pH levels in pool water, as low pH levels cause water to be acidic and corrosive.

Scratch the surface

Cleaning the pool surface every day will catch floating debris before it ends up on the bottom of the pool, where it can get stuck and make the water dirty (plus it will be harder to find and clean). Cleaning the surface regularly also increases the efficiency of the pool's circulation system, saving you money in the long run.

Bonus tip: To make the net even sturdier, line it with a pair of old socks. This fabric will catch fine debris and dirt that would otherwise filter through the net.

Oil and water don't mix

This is probably our favorite tip because it couldn't be easier or cheaper. Drop an old tennis ball into your pool and the wool and vinyl fibers of the ball will absorb the oil from suntan lotion, hair products, and skin. Preventing this oil from building up will help achieve that summery glow we associate with clean pools. Simply replace the tennis ball when it starts to show signs of wear.

Save on scrubbing

Brushing pool surfaces regularly is a must, as it helps minimize calcium deposits and algae growth. Be sure to get a professional recommendation on the best brush to use on your specific pool surfaces.

Don't forget corners, ladder hardware, and lights. While there are many expensive pool cleaning solutions and substances on the market, you can save money by using a paste of baking soda and water.

Another level to check

We've talked about the importance of monitoring chemical levels regularly. It's also important to monitor the actual water level. Rain, evaporation, and overuse can all affect the water level. Having too much or too little water can seriously damage the skimmer.

What's the perfect level? The water line should be at the midpoint of the skimmer flap. You're more likely to have to add water than remove it, which is great news because adding is much easier than removing.

Use a garden hose to add water until it reaches the proper level. To remove the water, you will most likely need the help of a professional, including the proper equipment. Be sure to check the chemical levels once you have reached the proper water level.

Keep the filter happy

New pool owners may be surprised to learn that there is such a thing as an overly clean filter. It is actually beneficial for the filter to contain a moderate amount of dirt, as this helps trap other particles and debris.

The proper methods and tools for cleaning your filter depend on the type of filter in your pool, so get clear instructions from the manufacturer or pool professional and follow them closely. Signs that it's time to clean your filter include a clogged drain and abnormal odors.

Shocking involves adding a high dose of chlorine to kill bacteria and organic contaminants. You can do this every 1-2 weeks, especially after heavy use or a storm, to keep your water clean and clear. You'll know you need to shock if you see algae growing or if your pool's free chlorine level is zero. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for the correct dosage!

Expert Tip: Shock your pool at dusk because the sun will burn off unstabilized chlorine.

Inspect your pool regularly for any signs of leaks, such as unexplained water leaks, wet spots around the pool, or cracks in the pool structure. Detecting these leaks and repairing them early will prevent more serious problems and save you money in the long run.

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