Summer Home Maintenance Checklist Summer Home Maintenance Checklist

Summer Home Maintenance Checklist

6.11 1 Summer Home Maintenance Checklist

With the official start of summer just around the corner, it's time to get cracking and make your summer to-do list. From cleaning out the garage to checking your smoke detectors, there are plenty of things to do to keep your home in tip-top shape.

Task #1: Tune up your air conditioning

Make sure your air conditioner is primed and ready to go before the hottest days of summer arrive. Replace filters, clean condenser coils, and check refrigerant lines to ensure your air conditioner is keeping you cool all season long.

Task #2: Check your home's smoke detectors

Make sure your home's smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are in full working order.

Task #3: Clean your grill

If you haven't already done a deep cleaning of your gas or charcoal grill, do it now, before grilling season heats up! For gas grills, turn the heat up to high so any food residue burns off. Once it cools, use a grill brush to scrape and clean. Don't forget to thoroughly wipe down the sauce pans and clean the outside of the grill.

Task #4: Clean your deck and porches

Now that the pollen is almost gone, it's time to make your outdoor spaces sparkle! Get rid of dirt and pollen on your deck by mixing 1 part bleach with 3 parts water in a pressure sprayer. Vacuum, dust, or wipe down any outdoor furniture, too.

If you haven't cleaned and sealed your deck in the spring, don't forget this important maintenance task this time around. You'll know your deck needs sealing if you spray water on it and it soaks up instead of beading up.

Task #5: Check pool safety features

As the weather warms up and pool season begins, check to make sure your pool's safety features are in perfect working order. Make sure your pool fence is secure and check the locks as well. If you have a pool alarm, do a quick check to make sure it's still working properly and also inspect your safety net.

Keep reading: 10 pool maintenance tips you should know

Task #6: Clean your washing machine

A washing machine is something that homeowners forget to clean often. Take the time now to give your washer a deep clean, especially if you have a high-efficiency machine, as these tend to accumulate dirt and sludge after many uses. Don't forget to thoroughly clean the rubber seal between the door and the drum, as that is often a favorite resting place for dirt in high-efficiency washers. Use a mixture of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water to combat mold and mildew buildup in your washer.

Other summer maintenance tasks to complete

  • Wash your windows
  • Mulch your flower beds
  • Have your chimney cleaned
  • Inspect the trees on your property
  • Pressure washing of driveways and walkways
  • Trim overgrown shrubs and flowering plants.
  • Check all exterior lights

Related reading: 6 outdoor fire pits to transform your backyard

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