Transforming Flood Prone Properties Proactive Measures for Resilience and Redesignation Transforming Flood Prone Properties: Proactive Measures for Resilience and Redesignation

Transforming Flood Prone Properties: Proactive Measures for Resilience and Redesignation

4 Transforming Flood Prone Properties: Proactive Measures for Resilience and Redesignation

Floodplains, often considered hazardous areas due to their propensity for flooding, pose significant challenges for homeowners. However, with strategic planning and proactive measures, properties within these areas can be transformed to improve their resilience. This mitigates flood risks and may lead to the reversal of the property's floodplain designation. We encountered this issue with our luxury listing on Parkway 151 Forest In Boone. The owners worked tirelessly to achieve a map amendment letter and succeeded.151 Parkway Forest FEMA Amendment Documentation). Here, we explore the steps and strategies that all homeowners can implement to achieve this goal.

Understanding floodplains and their designation

Floodplains are low-lying areas adjacent to rivers, lakes and coasts that are susceptible to flooding. Federal Emergency Management Agency The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designates these areas based on historical data and predictive models to help manage flood risks. Properties within these zones often face higher insurance premiums, strict building regulations, and possible property devaluation.

Proactive measures to improve resilience

  1. Elevation of Structures:

    concrete slab for a new home 175526089 58a5cdbc5f9b58a3c9afa82b Transforming Flood Prone Properties: Proactive Measures for Resilience and Redesignation

    Founding a home

    • Foundation Raising: Raising a building's foundation above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) is one of the most effective ways to reduce flood risk. This may involve raising the entire structure and building a higher foundation.
    • Fill and compaction: It may also be helpful to add fill material to raise the ground level around the property. However, this must be carefully planned to avoid inadvertent movement of water to neighboring areas.
  2. Flood-proofing techniques:

    • Dry waterproofing: Involves making a building waterproof to a certain level using sealants, impenetrable barriers and other methods to prevent water ingress.
    • Wet Waterproofing: In cases where dry waterproofing is not feasible, wet waterproofing allows water to enter the building but minimizes damage by using water-resistant materials and design elements that facilitate cleaning and drying.
  3. Improving drainage systems:

    • Installing sump pumps: These can help remove accumulated water from basements and other low areas.
    • Improved Drainage Solutions – Implementing French drains, gutters, and other landscape modifications can divert water away from the property.
  4. Using natural barriers:

    • Wetland restoration: Wetlands act as natural sponges, absorbing excess water and reducing flood risks.
    • Plant vegetation: Deep-rooted plants and trees can help stabilize soil and absorb water, reducing runoff and erosion.

Achieve redesignation

To effectively reverse a property's designation in a floodplain, property owners must provide evidence that their proactive measures have significantly reduced the risk of flooding. This involves:

  1. Documentation and Compliance:

    • Maintain detailed records of all modifications, including engineering reports, construction drawings, and materials.
    • Make sure all measurements comply with local building codes and FEMA guidelines.
  2. Lifting certificate:

    • Obtain an elevation certificate from a licensed surveyor, which provides critical data on the elevation of the lowest floor of the property in relation to the BFE.
  3. Map modification letter (KNOLL):

    • Apply a LOMA to FEMA. This involves providing the elevation certificate and other relevant documentation demonstrating that the property is above the BFE and is no longer at significant risk of flooding.

The benefits of proactive measures

Taking proactive measures to improve the resilience of floodplain properties offers numerous benefits:

  • Flood risk reduction: Improving a property's ability to withstand flooding protects residents, reduces potential damage, and ensures faster recovery after flooding.
  • Lower Insurance Premiums – Less flood-prone properties may qualify for lower flood insurance premiums, resulting in significant cost savings over time.
  • Increased property value: A property perceived as safe and flood resistant can increase market value.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing that proactive measures are in place provides peace of mind to property owners and occupants.


Transforming a property on a designated floodplain into a resilient and safe refuge requires strategic planning, investment in flood-proofing measures, and compliance with regulatory guidelines. By taking these proactive measures, property owners can not only mitigate the risks associated with flooding but also achieve redesignation of their property, paving the way for a safer future.